Church Army UK & Ireland
FeaturedAbout Company
Church Army longs for everyone, everywhere to encounter God’s love and be empowered to transform their communities through faith shared in words and action. Church Army was established in 1882 by Wilson Carlile with a vision to train ordinary Christian men and women to reach those most in need with the gospel. Since then, we’ve been working on estates, in schools, in places where there is no church presence and in communities struggling to make ends meet. We are Church Army. Our vision is for everyone everywhere to encounter God’s love, and be empowered to transform their communities through faith shared in words and action. We activate change and strengthen lives and communities. We don’t shy away from the difficult situations. Instead, we embrace it to make lives better. We are prayerful, risk-taking, accountable, collaborative, generous, unconditional. We are Church Army.
Evangelism, Community Transformation, Research, Mission, Homeless Hostels, Centre’s of Mission, Training & Vocations, Conferencing & Accommodation, Advocating, Equipping & Resourcing, Outreach programmes, and Patnership
Meet the hiring team
Executive Leader with over 15 years experience of HR within charity sector